Actually we collaborate with the following instituts, organizations, manufacturers and publications:
Insituts of higher education and research
- Sverige Lantbruksuniversitet Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Politecnico di Torino Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Universitet Uppsala Department of Earth Sciences – Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Implement manufacturers for animal traction
- Equi Idea (Noi e il Cavallo)
- Österby Smedja
- Repossi
- Hellmans Utbildningar
If you are interested in a collaboration with SmP, please send us an e-mail.
Scientific documents on the subject of draught horses and animal traction can be found under the following links:
Scientific documents
- ETH Zürich – Digitalized dissertations and habilitations on the ETH Zurich from the years 1926 to 2002 (in German language)
- Universiteit Utrecht – Digitalized books of the University Library Utrecht from the years 1905 to 1964 (in Dutch language)
- HU Berlin – Digitalized complete collection of the „Polytechnical Journal“ from the Institute for Cultural History and Theory of the Humboldt University in Berlin from the years 1820 to 1931 (in German language)
- EPO – Digitalized patents from the years 1897 to today (in various languages)
- Aiia – Digitalized test reports of the Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering from the years 1970 to today (in Italian language)
- Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet – Digitalized doctoral theses on the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala from the years 2013 to today (in Swedish and English language)
- LandBau e.V. – Digitalized bachelor thesis about the use of draft horses in market gardening from the year 2008 (in German language)
If you know other interesting publications, please send us an e-mail.